Rules for using the NEFTEK brand

Our corporate colours, logo and font are more than just visual elements, they are an integral part of our brand and reflect our values, style and professionalism. Using these elements is important not only to create a recognizable image, but also to establish a strong connection with our audience.
About the logo
The logo is the face of our company. It brings together all aspects of our activities in one symbol.

Our logo influences the perception of the brand:
  • Identification: An easily recognizable logo is immediately associated with our company.
  • Visual Identity: The logo creates a unique image that sets us apart from our competitors.

Corporate Colors

Our corporate colors are not just a set of shades. They highlight the emotional palette of our brand and create associations with the qualities that we are proud of.

The use of corporate colors should influence our visual perception:
  • Professionalism: Discreet tinting underlines our reliability and competence.
  • Emotional Connection: Colorful accents create an emotional connection to our brand.
  • Recognition: Consistent use of corporate colors promotes recognition of our brand in any context.

Corporate Font

The font is an integral element of our style. It conveys our message in written form and ensures consistency in visual communication.

Font choice is important for:
  • Readability: A clear and readable font makes our content easier to understand.
  • Style and aesthetics: The right font emphasizes our style and design.
  • Professionalism: It demonstrates our care for detail and attention to quality.
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